May Arts & Converse: The Perfect Pair!


This is SUPER EASY!  Ready?  Okay, here we go.  Cut two lengths of ribbon (You can use the same or do a different one for each shoe depending on how much you want to channel Punky Brewster.  Just say’n.) at 1 ½ yards each.  This is approximately the same length as the laces that come in the Converse to begin with.

Use the lighter to very carefully ‘seal’ the edges of the ribbon so it will not fray.  This is harder to do with the twill, be aware.  (There may have been a quick run to the sink on that one.  *maybe*  Just say’n.)

Lace your shoes!  That’s it!  And look at how cute this is!!!

You can use just about any kind of ribbon you want and totally customize your Converse!  I had so much fun trying the different kinds!  Have a happy day!!!

To see more of my work check out my blog, Just Jingle!

Blog post by: Jingle



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