Weekend Giveaway Paper Storage – Winner!

Naturally, being The Ribbon Lady, I am a lover of ribbon – it’s not just a silly name!  😉  I have several locations throughout my office where I have ribbon stashed away.   Truth be told, unless it’s on the spool, it is relatively easy to stay hidden.   But, ribbon isn’t my only crafty love.  I also have a slight addiction to paper!  Now, these stacks are no doubt more bulky than even the widest of spools.  And, looking around now, I must admit to it becoming relatively unmanageable.  If I were to try to find a particular stack…yikes! 

Enter this weekend’s giveaway subject – How do you organize your paper?  Have a picture of your storage solution?  Great, I’d love to see it!  Post it on our Facebook Page

Either way, tell us all about it!  Post your comments, or better yet email me a picture, and enter to win:

PS 005 00190DCWV’s Chalkboard Stack! And:


2 Spools of May Arts Ribbon – Your Choice!


I will post a winner here on Monday, March 5th.

For an additional chance to win, post a comment &/or picture on our Facebook Page too!


Happy weekend & good luck to all!


The Ribbon Lady


We have a winner!  Congratulations to:


I use vertical storage from Michael’s! I have 16 cubes, 8 of which hold my Designer Paper Stacks. The stacks that have been opened and used to some degree are then put into large zip bags to keep all of the sheets together. That way I always know WHO’S paper I’m using. My Matstacks and other mini’s are stored in the deep drawer storage units, also labeled by company.


Jan, email me at Bethney@mayarts.com with your shipping address to claim your prize!



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